Pics of the house I am making. Obviously not finished yet, but I had some requests for pics now.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My days lately have been spent making a house out of popsicle sticks. It has been a lot of fun. It is very addictive . I was just doing it for fun, but after having Rileigh tell me for the umpteenth time "It's amazing Mom" I decided it will be a Christmas present for her. I'll get pics of it up later
nie The Pooh right now so I made her a special cake. We lit her candle and then all of us helped her blow it out. She started bawling like crazy so Jake rte-lit it and she was instantly happy again. It was hilarious. Of course we had to blow it out again after she tried to grab the flame, but a slice of cake made it all better.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hey everybody. Jake passed his first phase, Yeah!!!. He started his next one this last Monday.
The class has grown considerably smaller since he started. The class started with 80 some odd and is now down to 60 something. People flunked out or decided it was too hard. So I am very glad Jake is still hangin in there.
The class has grown considerably smaller since he started. The class started with 80 some odd and is now down to 60 something. People flunked out or decided it was too hard. So I am very glad Jake is still hangin in there.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Our ward had a breakfast onthe 4th at 7:30 in the morning so we got an early start that day. There was no parade that day, but they had a lot of fun booths and free blow up toys for the kids at the park. So Me and the girls went to the park and Jake went to fix our broken pipe. Yep another one. We descovered it the night before, and tried to call our maintenance guy, who of course wasn't home. We new he would never come out on a holiday to fix it so Jake decided to just do it himself. We figured he could probably do a better job anyway. The pipe that broke was the same one that broke twice before. Since Jake fixed it we have had no problems. Anyway back to the 4th, well we had planned on going to the fireworks that night. We had heard good things about the show around here but..... about 2 hours before it was time to go Jake became seriously ill and we could not leave the comfort of the toilet behind. So Rileigh, Jaci, and I went out to our back yard to watch them and we could actually see them pretty well since the ground around here is so flat. It wasn't as great as being in town would have been, but Rileigh had a ball. Our nabors put on quite a show too, and we clapped and oohed and ahhed over there show. Who knows what they thought about that, but we enjoyed ourselves.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
We just went camping this week for two days. It was a lot of fun and the girls did quite well. We brought a tarp and laid it out on the ground for Jacilynn and she would play on that for quite a while before tiring of it. I had a little scare at one point, I was in the tent pumping up our air matress and Rileigh had been helping me. She got tired and left and I assumed she went over to Jake who was working on starting a fire for our dinner. Well about one minute later I got a worried feeling and checked on her, she was nowhere to be found in our campsite, and we were camping right next to a swift stream. About two minutes later I found her at the naboring camp. We had spent the previous night there. I was sooo scared. Stinker little girl. Well everyone survived. The mesquitos were quite ferocious though. We had to spray bug spray on like every 20-30 min, and even still some of the brave ones kept biting anyway. oh well.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Hi everybody. We are still looking for work, school starts June 29th. We did have tornado warnings and one did touch down, but it was further out from us, around Cheyenne I think? We only got a small corner of the storm, it got super windy for about 5 minutes and then it was over for us. Jacilynn has cut her first tooth, it came up on the 7th, and we are trying to potty train Rileigh again, she is doing well so far if I remind her. Here is our new puppy we got just before moving, his name is J.D. for John Deere and our silly Dixie dog. They have grown to like each other, but at first I think the puppy annoyed Dixie. She would growl at him when he wined and if he got too close.
The girls now
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Well we all made it safely to our new home, but we have had trial after trial since we got here. The day Jake got here it was pouring rain and the power was off and the water. He found out a little later that the power was at the house it just had to be turned on from the outside. he also found out that the water was off because aparently there was a leak in the pipes. When I got there the next day the water was still off. Fortunately by divine insparation I'm sure, I had insisted on taking our water storage with us. As of Yesterday we finally have our wter on with hot water. We had a heck of a time getting the propane people to get things hooked up for us so we didn't have hot water or a stove/oven foe a while. We cooked on our camp stove when we had to. So we have basically been camping for $685 a month. We had the water turned on and off multiple times. The maintanance people thought they had everything fixed and then they would find another leak. By the time they finish we are going to have brand new piping everywhere down there I think. We also had a problem with the washing maching, they said they would fix it, but were taking forever about it. Jake finally looked at it himself and discovered the problem. It wouldn't spin and he realized thart the thing that censes when the washer lid is closed had broke, so he stuck a small stick in there and it has been working out fine. The dryer works, but gives off a high pitched squeeky noise. The dishwasher does not work, I think it's because we basically have no water pressure in the house, for that same reason it takes about a half hour or more for the washing machine to fill up. Oh well at least it works. Anyway so we have been having a ball here. On top of all the fun house trouble, I took Rileigh out for a ride on my bike the other day and her foot got caught in the spokes. I thought it was broken at first, but it is just very badly sprained and bruised up. Poor little girl, I felt, feel so bad about it. She is doing better now, but her ankle is still pretty rough looking and she favors it a bit. Jacilynn has been doing fairly well with the move, but I think the water here affects her adversely. It has a high sulfer content, most of us don't drink it because it is super nasty, but i make Jaci'
Monday, May 25, 2009
Hey everybody, sorry no new pics, everything is packed. We are finally on our way out to Wyoming. Jake and Rileigh took off in the U-Haul yesterday and Jacilynn and I will follow via airplane on Tuesday. We are currently staying with a friend from the ward which is nice so we don't have to worry about bedding and food. Plus how borring would that be to stay in an empty apartment for two and a half days? Yuck! If anyone wants our new adress feel free to call, our phone numbers will be the same.
We just got a new puppy two days before moving day. I know, we are crazy. He is super cute though. He is an australian shephard, border collie mix mostly. We named him J.D. after finding a John Deere leash and collar we thought the name would be perfect to go along with his only accsesories.rileigh absalutely adores him. She thinks he is another one of her baies and puts him inher srtoller and shopping cart and tries to drive him around. i don't think J.D. appreciates the ride much. She also likes to snuggle him into blankets and Jake and I have to repeatedly tell her that he is going to have a heat stroke with all that warm fur and the blankets on. I don't think she gets it.
Rileighs new thing to do is to wander around the house with her play phone and talk to Granma for hours on end. She comes up with some pretty funny stuff to say sometimes. I would like to get her on video some time, but as soon as the camera comes out she enevitably stops doing the cute thing I wanted to catch her doing. I will have to be covert and hide it on the intertainment stand or something.
Jacilynn can now roll over. She learned to roll from her back to her belly in a funny way. We had her swing out and she grabbed onto one of the poles and lifted herself up and around using mostly upper body strength to swing around to her belly. It was amazing to watch. It seemed like that would make the process mor akward, but it worked for her, and since then she does it normally. Funny girl.
We just got a new puppy two days before moving day. I know, we are crazy. He is super cute though. He is an australian shephard, border collie mix mostly. We named him J.D. after finding a John Deere leash and collar we thought the name would be perfect to go along with his only accsesories.rileigh absalutely adores him. She thinks he is another one of her baies and puts him inher srtoller and shopping cart and tries to drive him around. i don't think J.D. appreciates the ride much. She also likes to snuggle him into blankets and Jake and I have to repeatedly tell her that he is going to have a heat stroke with all that warm fur and the blankets on. I don't think she gets it.
Rileighs new thing to do is to wander around the house with her play phone and talk to Granma for hours on end. She comes up with some pretty funny stuff to say sometimes. I would like to get her on video some time, but as soon as the camera comes out she enevitably stops doing the cute thing I wanted to catch her doing. I will have to be covert and hide it on the intertainment stand or something.
Jacilynn can now roll over. She learned to roll from her back to her belly in a funny way. We had her swing out and she grabbed onto one of the poles and lifted herself up and around using mostly upper body strength to swing around to her belly. It was amazing to watch. It seemed like that would make the process mor akward, but it worked for her, and since then she does it normally. Funny girl.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I got a haircut. I have been wanting one for a while and finally took the plunge. When I went in to get it cut the gal that cut it asked if I wanted to donate my hair, I said sure. She said she had to measure and make sure there would be at least ten inches to give. Well there deffinetly was. She cut of ten inches and my hair was still passed my shoulders. WOW that is a lot of hair!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
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