Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jacilynn's b-day was fun. She is in to Win
nie The Pooh right now so I made her a special cake. We lit her candle and then all of us helped her blow it out. She started bawling like crazy so Jake rte-lit it and she was instantly happy again. It was hilarious. Of course we had to blow it out again after she tried to grab the flame, but a slice of cake made it all better.


  1. Good job on the cake it looks great. And Happy B-day Jacilynn!

  2. Very cute cake. Good job! Jacilynn you are already 1 year old. Wow! Happy birthday girl!

  3. Wow, how did I miss your birthday little girl?!! Sorry, I'm a naughty Auntie. I love you and am glad you had a nice birthday. Cute cake, Ky :)

  4. I love it it's awesome! it's so cute! you are so creative! I like how it's winnie the pooh.
    This is Liberty
